Alfred M. de Zayas:
The Wehrmacht
War Crimes Bureau,
This book is the first and only account to date of the German military unit charged
with investigating the war crimes of the Allies against the Nazi regime. During
World War II
the little-known German War Crimes Bureau documented and filed
reported cases of Allied violations of the laws of war. Filling 226 volumes, these
files were seized in 1945 by American troops and brought to the United States,
where they were treated as classified material. They were returned to the Federal
Republic of Germany's Bundesarchiv in 1968 and released in 1973.
Alfred de Zayas, a trained lawyer as well as a historian, is the first researcher to
evaluate this material, which represents one of the most important discovery of
World War II records since the Nuremberg trials. He carefully establishes the
integrity and independence of the War Crimes Bureau, describes its meticulous
procedures, then draws on
its long-neglected records to reveal a wealth of new facts on the German findings
regarding such Allied crimes as the massacres at Lvov, Katyn, and Vinnitsa, the
"Bloody Sunday of Bromberg," atrocities against German soldiers, POWs, and
civilians and numerous other crimes "discreetly veiled" until now. In addition, he
studied related files in German, American, British, and Swiss archives and
interviewed more than three hundred German military judges and witnesses
involved in the bureau's investigations.
Among the important revelations of this book are the many war crimes trials that
the Germans conducted against French, Polish, and Soviet prisoners of war, and
the US and British investigations of German diplomatic protests.
(With review text from amazon.)
(364 pages, 15 x 23.5 cm, softcover, with black-and-white photos, extensive
source notes and bibliography.)